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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Quick! Where is the Anti-Negativity Spray?

As noted in earlier blogs, I'm not a big fan of 'The Negative'. Too much energy by far too many people is spent on the details of the cloud without even registering that it has a silver lining. This leaves very little energy to develop ways of dispersing what clouds there may legitimately be.

This leads me to the latest developments in my academic department. Like universities everywhere, space has been, and no doubt will continue to be, a pressing issue. No one has enough, or certainly enough of the best quality, and no one likes to give up/share what they do have. We all seem to end up 'making do' however and still are highly productive.

In a nutshell, after years of wrangling, offices are moving. Fairly quickly too - which in a bureaucracy this size is a feat in and of itself. But when did decision-making and doing things quickly become something to be suspicious about? To see as disrespectful, as disappointing, as a 'forced move of displaced persons'. Yipes. You got what you wanted - a move that integrates far-flung units into more proximate space. Is it perfect? No - but then again what ever is? But this boat is leaving the dock - get on board and make the best of it or you WILL be left on shore. The time is now to think about the future and what we need to move forward, positively.

Personally, when I'm next shopping for mosquito spray I'm going to be looking for the anti-negativity spray too. We need a frikkin' case! Or better yet - a new unit fashion statement (see picture) - The Anti-Negativity Helmet!! Check it out (it's for real!) at:

Thursday, June 17, 2010

If money were no object, what would I do?

A friend of mine raised this interesting question in her blog. And it got me thinking - especially as my husband keeps buying LottoMax tickets and also talking about what he'd do if he didn't have to work. For him it was simple: World Series of Poker and golf and travel. Done.

But what would I do? Which begs a bigger question - just how central is my job as a professor to my identity, my sense of self? I fear it is more central than I'd like it to be. While I'm okay with not being a 'star' with megabucks in research dollars and dozens of graduate students (too much stress!!), I do know that being a scholar, a researcher, is who I am. I think I'd do it even if they didn't pay me. I just like to know 'stuff' and learning new things is interesting to me. Lately I have been getting more into theory and concepts and - gasp - philosophy. So yes, I'd still be a scholar whether I worked at a university or not. 

Still - what would I DO? I think I would love the book trade - Kindles be damned! I've thought about having a little shop, that focused on cooking and travel and well - cultural / geography stuff. I'd call it 'The Professor's Shelf'. I'd have reading groups and themed nights where people could come together over good food and good ideas. If the place broke even I'd be happy. I'd have all the good parts of my job, without the bureaucratic mess and without having to grade anyone on anything!

So - I still haven't answered the question of how central my job is to my identity. Can you separate the 'job' from the 'vocation'? Thoughts?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Back At It ... Oh Bother!

Today is my first day back on campus after a month traversing the planet. Ok, not the whole planet but still a good-sized chunk. Did my fair share and then some of work (week 1 of field course, article review, conference, edited book launched), got in some sight-seeing and some visits with friends and family etc., Wine tour in Niagara was so much fun! (Pics coming!) - I can't wait to do it again! If you go you MUST check out The Organized Crime Winery
The Pinot Gris (my varietal of choice) was heavenly, and the story behind the name is just too much :). Pity you can only buy the wine on site :(
So - hmm - first day back to work and I'm already thinking about yummy wine. Just may have to crack open the bottle of prosecco hidden in the back of the fridge tonight. I've managed over the last while to 'close the book' as it were on a number of projects, but I still have several looming. Problem is my motivation is still basking in the Italian sunshine. Or maybe drooling in the Coach Store in Niagara Falls NY (thanks Sara! - saving my pennies now for a purse - the one I love is of course something like $400 - damn this living 'high off the hog!). But seriously - how to kick start my motivation and focus? What to do first? All are 'big': 2 book chapters for a cultural geography textbook; review of a book for an international scholarly journal - which means I have to read the book (drat!); write and submit an article for publication; grade PhD comprehensive exam ... that's all I can think of now other than short term things (submit expense claims, course modification form (oh did that one!), chair an MSc defense).

I'm stymied on how to prioritize; other than the defence and the PhD comps nothing has firm deadlines - though the book chapters are way, way overdue. Hmmm. Perhaps that is where I should start? Motivation - I need you!! The first chapter is a revision of a colleague's chapter on feminist geography. So much little time. I must figure out a plan for how to revise, add, make it my own and current with the literature. There goes my June - thank god the porch is comfy and I can work out there - so what do I sacrifice to the Gods of Inspiration to get this going?

To quote my Favourite Bear ... Oh bother!