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Monday, July 26, 2010

You gotta start somewhere...

Can this really work for me?
So, I've been feeling like a slug since, well, halfway through Italy. A stiff, hip creaking, footsore slug. Gee, untreated scoliosis does eventually catch up to you. Sigh.

About 15 months ago, in the last days of what we now call 'the sketchy period' in my almost 19 year old's life (otherwise known as 18+ months of hell), I stopped going to pilates, and stopped using the WiiFit I begged my husband for. Begged. I just didn't have the energy, the willpower. I wanted to just relax and enjoy myself once the kid was getting residential rehab. Problem was, between the stress and the 'I deserve this' attitude, I've gained about 12 lbs. And I was a good 20-25 lbs overweight before. But I was at least in better shape before.

So much inertia ... but I have to get moving and make time to do the exercisery things I, well if not enjoy, at least like. The kid is healthy and living his life and is figuring things out as all kids his age need to do. So what excuse do I have? Why do I crave the junk so much, and avoid exercise like the plague...oh yeah I hate to feel sweaty...hmmm

But today - I finally had enough. I weigh more now than I ever have. I don't expect at 45 to be in the shape I was 20 years ago... but this weight has got to come down for health reasons alone.
So - I have a year before I take on a new administrative job at my university. One year to lose 40 lbs and get healthier and feel more energetic. I can do this. I've done it before (ok years ago when my metabolism worked better, but still...). I eat pretty well already (healthy, low fat etc). I just have to KEEP MOVING!
Started today getting back on the WiiFit. Did my 30 minutes (31 actually) of yoga and aerobics. Focused on abs, thighs and hips as these are my problem spots. Feels really really good. If I can do this every morning before my shower I'm golden...I feel energized and it will make me drag my sorry ass out of bed. If I couple this with a bike ride in the evening for even 20 minutes...

I have to do this. Now. I have to stop wishing and start doing. I think I should make this quote from Eat, Pray, Love my new mantra: "Stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone should be".

Wish me luck. And no cravings for Cheese Puffs. Sigh.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A case of the summer blahs

I know, I know - isn't it supposed to be 'winter blahs'? Maybe, but for me it is summer blahs. Too much heat, too much unstructured time. Don't get me wrong - I have lots to do but either it's big stuff I can't seem to muster the energy to do (painting, furniture buying, massive gardening...) or it is Reading and writing and unfortunately it feels like the Muses have taken July off. Or at least mine have.

What to do to jump start the energy levels? August looms with all its 'get ready for September' and multiple family birthday craziness, as well as a trip to Vegas with the Dear Husband. I HAVE to get some work done in the next few weeks but I look at the calendar and just sigh...with a side helping of panic.

What I really want to do is go back to bed...gah! I'm turning into a slug! A giant west coast banana slug. Oh but wait! Just learned that the official mascot of UC, Santa Cruz is ... the banana slug!! There may be some inspiration here...