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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Celebrating Some Success

Things are actually coming together, or at least it seems like it. This could just be just the calm before the storm however - in 2 weeks we are back in session and I'm back in the classroom. The calendar is already filling up. Planning meetings, committee meetings, meetings with graduate students...oh and somewhere in there some class prep!

But I have managed to write and submit (just yesterday - still basking in the glow!) a journal article and it is pretty darn good if I do say so. This winds up a project with a colleague that has been a load of fun and has opened up enticing new areas for me in what I have come to call 'family geographies' (Now available from Oxford University Press via Amazon!) :D  Time to update the CV with another publication 'under review'. Next step - the draft chapter on feminist geography for a book on cultural geography that I'm contributing to a colleague's book. This has been a long, delayed and painful project. I don't think I would do this again. It just has been like having wisdom teeth pulled without the happy knock out drugs. It's true - sometimes what sounds like an interesting opportunity should be left as just that - and not another project to take on. Still have to finish a book I said I'd review for my discipline's flagship journal by October some time, and there is another article due in Feb - an invited one with a colleague in religion. Very cool project looking at how we in N. America relate to bears and specifically the story of the memorializing of a 'zoo celebrity bear' at our local zoo here. Debbie was famous for being the oldest polar bear in captivity and was something of a local celebrity. 400+ people came to a memorial service for her in the dead of a Manitoba winter and marked her passing, outside! So its not like I don't still have lots and lots to do - but for a change I actually feel like it will all be accomplished - Keep Calm and Carry On!

I think part of this good feeling is that things are swimming along on the personal front. As of today I have officially lost 10lbs. Well - I didn't 'lose' it - I have returned my fat to the universe, thanks very much but I don't want it/need it anymore. Thirty more to go. My goal is to lose this before our Feb 2011 holiday in Florida. By Christmas would be brilliant but I want to be realistic. I know I will hit a plateau or two along the way and I have to not lose my resolve. Found a brand of veggie chips and one of guacamole flavoured taco chips that allow me to indulge a craving for 130-150 cal and so not be wracked with futility. Mostly I have to watch the emotional eating and KEEP MOVING. Which reminds me I still need to get on the exercise bike today...

The other good news is the Son has solved his housing situation and does not need to move back home! He and some friends found a house to rent, and he is actively looking for a better job than slinging subs at 2am. Ok so he needs $$ for the rent for the first month but heck, getting used to being Parent Bank of Canada. At least we are in a position to assist. I owe the gods and goddesses on this one.

So - time to get cracking on some things - tomorrow I start work on organizing my first year course for the new term and getting the course outline done. Today I'm devoting 3-4 hours to the book chapter, and then its a trip to Michaels for scrapbooking pages I think. But first - to the bike!


  1. Congrats on the 10 pounds...why not aim for Christmas...yes plateaus abound but things will be busy with lots to do ( I love the fall) making it easier to keep a positve frame of mind (your biggest weapon in the 'heathier you' arsenal). Hey, let's both aim to have lost a total of 25 pounds by Christmas .... I been at 10 pounds for months I could use the company. In peace, with love - Linda

  2. I accept your challenge. And I'm nearly at 15 lbs now, so maybe Christmas is do-able. I agree that the fall gets busy - also stressful which is dangerous for me. But if I stick to what I've been doing all should go well.

    Also, Andrew is moving home for a month. Which is ok but argh ... that won't make it any easier to keep to the diet and exercise plan. Feeling a bit like too much is out of my control tonight...
    Tomorrow is another day - have to firm my resolve. Lets help each other keep that positive mindframe :)

  3. I know I said earlier the son's housing situation was solved, but 2 places fell through - one the local superintendent wanted them but the rental agency denied them. Another was a bit sketchy from the get go and then fell apart when the renters job out of town fell through. Now he and 3 friends have signed and sealed the rental of a house as of October 1. But tomorrow he moves back here - all his stuff plus a friends bed go in the garage and Andrew is on the couch/on the pullout in the upstairs spare room/tv room. Chaos no doubt will rule for a month. Boo. Hiss. :/
