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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back at it...

Fall has arrived with a thud, and I'm back in the routine of teaching classes. Not too much that is challenging in teaching first and second year, but I like it. A couple of other small projects, and an invited article that isn't due to Feb. Feel pretty much in control and there have only been a few meetings requiring my presence. This afternoon I have a first - invited to a 'think tank' for design and architecture - they seem to think a geographer might have some interesting and useful info/perspectives on space, place and interiors. If I feel a tool I'll plead a headache and leave early, but it could be quite interesting...and I get dinner. Hopefully it is something I can eat, given my new healthy eating/weight loss regime.

Good news here. Feeling healthier and have dropped 20lbs now. What a difference. Still a ways to go to get to a truly healthy weight, but this is a big step in that direction. Hopeful that I will reach my goal of another 5-10 lbs lighter by the holidays, and another 20 by our trip to Florida in Feb. I think I can do it, sticking to the patterns of exercise and healthy eating (and portions) I have embarked upon.

Gotta just keep moving...

1 comment:

  1. Progress in the weight loss! Have officially lost 26 (woohoo!) pounds as of today. Goal met. Looking to lose another 5 by mid-November. The BMI is well under 30 now for the first time in awhile. Feeling good though I really really really can't wait to go on holiday in December with Barry. Trying to hold off on buying new pants - but I really really can't wear my black dress pants any more. Too swimmy.
    29 lbs to go...
